heather ....
El amor Es bueno pero siempre lo confundimos como heather no sabiendo que estando enzima ahoga
Un amor bueno es como cuando water violet le entrego a su amor impatiens quienes es su apreciada soledad descubrieron q estar juntos y solos también era bueno, a diferencia heather siempre quisos estar acompañado no dejando respirar a su amor y ahogándola en su vida heather no se dio cuenta q cada vez q le pedía algo a water violet q ella no quería por que ella era feliz En su soledad y si heather la quería acompañar .pero heather le exigió compañía de personas de familas siempre tenían q ser parte de su vida en su intimidad heather no se daba cuenta como apagaba la soledad de water violet. Al. No poder luchar con esa clase de amor mal entregado que la ahogaba no la dejaba ser water violet se fue a otros campos donde podría crecer en una soledad leve acompañada de aquellos que sabían q la soledad no era un problema y que amar era parte de libertad aun a si teniendo amigos y familia respetando tiempos y espacios.
Heather se quedó en su campo rodeada de gente en una felicidad mas común pero aficciante.
Cada una siendo feliz a su manera pero no juntas ya que ninguna pudo soportar la soledad extrema y la compañía extrema...
- February 23, 2018
Love It's good but we always confuse it like heather not knowing that being an enzyme chokes
A good love is like when water violet gave her love impatiens who is your appreciated loneliness discovered that being together and alone was also good, unlike heather always wanted to be accompanied not letting her love breathe and drowning in his life heather no she realized that whenever she asked for something to water violet that she did not want because she was happy In her solitude and if heather wanted to accompany her. But heather demanded that company of family members always had to be part of her life in her life. intimacy heather did not realize how he turned off the solitude of water violet. Al. Not being able to fight with that kind of poorly delivered love that drowned her did not let her be water violet she went to other fields where she could grow up in a light solitude accompanied by those who knew that loneliness was not a problem and that loving was part of freedom even if having friends and family respecting times and spaces.
Heather stayed in her field surrounded by people in a more common but amateur happiness.
Each one being happy in their own way but not together since none could withstand extreme loneliness and extreme company ...
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